ProGuard and Debugging

Android’s infamous dex limit is a huge problem. One of the ways you can fix the problem is to use ProGuard. If you decide to use it, the you can look forward to 2 things.

  1. Longer build times.
  2. Not being able to debug your application, especially if you enable ProGuard in dev mode.

The first problem does not have a silver bullet solution; however the second one does. Adding the following 3 lines of code to your file will make your life a lot easier (and you will be able to debug your code).

-renamesourcefileattribute SourceFile
-keepattributes SourceFile,LineNumberTable
-printmapping outputfile.txt

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Security Providers and BouncyCastle

BouncyCastle is a pretty cool library, but lacks useful documentation. The website is a mess. If you want to setup BouncyCastle as your Java Security Provider (you should, the defaults are pretty bad) you need to do the following. First... Continue →